Saturday, June 24, 2006

7. Love and Pain.

In your heart, in your soul,
What do you have,
When you yearn for more?
The heart aches and the soul weeps,
And we feel within us the pain creep,
It’s always experienced by the lovers you see,
Pain was always theirs,
As meant to be,
Love brings pain and makes heart shudder,
And yet people do fall in love,
Which makes me wonder,
Why is it so that people prefer to be in pain,
When all it gives is suffering, no gain,
It’s the beauty in love that surpasses all pain,
Love is blind and so is the heart,
Which makes people unite,
Which makes them part,
But union is happy and light as vapors,
Parting pain brings tears, even to hard hearted capers,
So my friends “why love, if all it gives is pain?”
You may ask,
But isn’t it better to have loved and lost.
Love brings pain, inevitable you see,
But pain is one of the few qualities to be,
It gives you strength to face the world with a charming smile,
It gives you even that extra mile,
When you are in love the world ceases to be,
That’s a good thing which only lovers can see,
For with no world, also ceases misery...
So my dear friends, start falling in love today,
Love someone, so that not someday,
You may regret, you may cry,
For keeping the heart, oh, so so dry,
Dry heart is bad; it’s hard you see,
The way it wasn’t meant to be,
Love fills up the heart with warm tears,
And also gets rid of your worst fears,
For when lovers unite ‘tis the most happy sight,
And even the world rejoices, in its light.

Come….fall in love..

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