Saturday, June 24, 2006

5. Compassion.

In this world of dire status,
No one knows what fate awaits us;
Today’s grim and tomorrows cold,
If at all we do make it, alive and bold.
The only thing that is the need of the hour,
Is compassion and not power,
For power breaks hearts and compassion mends,
And its giver, to heaven it sends,
So my friends be compassionate,
And design for yourself a beautiful fate,
Live your life to the max,
And let not anyone make it lax,
Live life wise, live life good,
So that on judgment day if you should,
Take your stand and look up to god,
And say “I’ve done all I could”.
Then the most beautiful of things will come to pass,
Gods will give you a standing applause,
So this is the power of compassion you see,
It conquers other people by subtracting thee,
So in the end if all you have is love,
Give it to people who are doing without it, somehow,
Then you shall see the beauty of things,
For you shall then see beauty in everything.
Love life--- king size .
So people , live and let live.

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